Hi. Here three custom move for the fantasy hack AW campaign I am MCing. I’ll try them next week.

Hi. Here three custom move for the fantasy hack AW campaign I am MCing. I’ll try them next week.

Hi. Here three custom move for the fantasy hack AW campaign I am MCing. I’ll try them next week.

The first is quite simple:

When you travel in the wild and the MC tell you to do so, roll+sense. On 10+ you managed to find yourself in a good and defendable place and you are well alerted. on 7-9 it is only one of the two.

The second uses monsterheart strings:

The first time you enter in Xiago, the city of the dead, the Elder of Xiago gain a string on you

With the third I try to have more dynamic fights:

When you swashbuckling in the fight choose one:

You arrive in any position of the fight stage

You evade, parry and avoid the multiple attack of your enemies

You use a piece of the stage to obtain something otherwise not unreachable

You make someone fool of himself

Describe the athletic feat that let you to achieve this result and you did it.


On 10+ you gain +1 forward and you can do another subsequent move

On 7-9 you can do a subsequent move but either you or one of your friends is in immediate danger, your choice

On 6- the MC can revert the move against you with an hard move

Any feedback is welcome

7 thoughts on “Hi. Here three custom move for the fantasy hack AW campaign I am MCing. I’ll try them next week.”

  1. I like the options for the Swashbuckling move a lot, but you might reconsider the Results – how can i do a subsequent move on a 7-9 if i’m put in danger?

  2. Thanks. I’ll put it more straightforward

    When you swashbuckling in the fight choose one:

    You arrive in any position of the fight stage

    You evade, parry and avoid the multiple attack of your enemies

    You use a piece of the stage to obtain something otherwise not reachable

    You make someone fool of himself

    Describe the athletic feat that let you to achieve this result and you did it.


    On 10+ you obtain your result and gain +1 forward

    On 7-9 as above but either you or one of your friends is in immediate danger, your choice

    On 6- you did your athletic feat, but the MC can revert the move against you with an hard move

  3. Andrea, I’d say you need to change the fictional trigger for the “Travel in the wild”.  If it doesn’t happen every time, then you’ve got the wrong trigger attached to the move.  Ask yourself “under what circumstances would the MC be telling them to make this move?” and rewrite it to trigger on those fictional circumstances directly.

  4. I’ll put in clearer way, because everyone know when you have to roll, when you are travelling:

    When you travel in the wild and a danger is near, roll+sense. On 10+ you managed to find yourself in a good and defendable place and you are well alerted. on 7-9 it is only one of the two.

  5. Is there no option for avoiding said danger? How do you feel about something like the Dungeon World Scouting move?

    When you scout ahead in perilous environs, roll +Sense. On a 10+ you spot the danger in time to get the drop on it, or avoid it altogether if possible. On a 7-9, you spot the danger in time to warn the party, but no real advantage is gained by either side, or you can get the drop on the danger, but the rest of the party will take time to catch up. 

    That makes the move a bit more broad. It’s not wilderness specific, the players trigger the move through their actions, and then, as the MC, on a hit, the players are still making choices. How do they get the drop, do they avoid, does the scout take a risk or play it safe? On a miss, play as mean as you like. Maybe the scout gets ambused, or the danger came in from a vector the scout wasn’t covering. Whatever makes sense from your prep and the fiction.

  6. Thanks for the suggestion, but I find the DW move too much tactical. The “travel in the wild” move aims to be a catch-all for the classic night ambush while you travel from one location to the other. I feel it more straightforward  You can still do a Study a Situation (read a sitch) move in order to avoid danger or deal with it.

    In any case I’ll give another look at Dungeon World

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