Hi everyone!

Hi everyone!

Hi everyone!  I am running Monster of the Week for ConTessa (a free online gaming convention ran by women for EVERYONE).  I have my minimum of 3 hunters, but I can take 2 more (or additional alternate spots in case someone drops out)!  

Originally shared by Jamie Sue

There are monsters out there.

Most people don’t believe in them, but they’re real. Mostly, when someone finds out that monsters are real, that’s just before they die.

But some people are mean enough, smart enough, crazy enough, or hurt enough, that they live. And some of those people go and hunt down more.

That’s who you are – someone who decided to go on a crusade against the evil critters that are scurrying around out there.

It could be that you make a stand and defend your hometown from everything evil that comes there.  It could be you take to the road and go find them.  It could be you have magic powers that help out.  It could be that your name came up in prophecies thousands of years ago.

The one sure thing is you aren’t gonna go back to your old, safe life.


Monster of the Week is a self-contained roleplaying game of action/horror monster hunting. It’s designed to be quick and easy to prep and play.  

If you like Monster of the Week shows like Supernatural, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, X-files, or Angel, then this is up your alley!  This game is for 3-5 players.  Keeper (GM) is Jamie Sue and no experience is required.

You can choose from any of the hunter playbooks (character sheets) here: monster_of_the_week_files | gamesteratlarge

Playbooks are unique – so no two players can use the same playbook.  The rules are based on the Apocalypse World engine.  You’ll use 2d6 and “moves” which are found in the Hunter Reference Sheet (found in the files site listed above).


8 thoughts on “Hi everyone!”

  1. Daniele Di Rubbo By the way – thank you for posting the MotW hangout cover image!  I found it searching for one and saw you had posted it a while back.  Very helpful!

  2. Daniele Di Rubbo Woah… JACKPOT!  Thank you so much!  I’ll probably add an Apocalypse World game to ConTessa and I’ve been wanting to buy/try Psi*Run!  Thanks again!

  3. Tyler Hudak It’s not until June 21st, so you haven’t missed it!  And sorry, it’s not being broadcasted.  But if for some reason you are late and can’t play, I am cool with people joining to watch (as long as mic is muted) or if they want to play NPCs 🙂

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