Does anyone have fillable PDFs or Google Doc versions of playbooks? Specifically for Apocalypse World, Dungeon World, and/or Monster of the Week. These are the games I am interested in running over Hangouts. I’ve played in a DW one before, but I didn’t save those (dammit!) but I know they are floating around. Thanks!
Does anyone have fillable PDFs or Google Doc versions of playbooks?
Does anyone have fillable PDFs or Google Doc versions of playbooks?
Sounds fun. I’ve played in a hangouts game that fizzled after 1 session. What we did was just typed out the basics in google docs. Sure it doesn’t have the graphics, but it does work, plus that makes it live editable. A nicely crafted editable pdf would be nice though.
I have a plan to make some for Monster of the Week, but this first requires me to learn about forms in PDFs. So, not likely to be soon I am afraid.
Someone posted Monsterhearts form-fillable PDFs the other day but I couldn’t find any for DW, AW or MotW.
I’ve done AW over hangouts, and we just used plain text. Like loose leaf and pencil…
I have all the Apoc World playbooks (with a couple exceptions) in form fillable format. Email me and I will send you a copy. I also have the Monsterhearts ones as well if you’d like them.
pheylorn at g mail dot com
Andrew Medeiros Could I possibly beg a copy too please? These sound great!
Andrew Medeiros Will do! Thank you so much! And that sounds awesome, Michael Sands! I may just make some temp Google Doc spreadsheets until then!
Here, this will make things simpler for those who want them.
Apoc Playbooks
Monsterhearts Skins
Andrew Medeiros THANK YOU! These are awesome!
(Jamie Sue if you’re looking for a player when you get started, holler at me
dave ring Absolutely! I’m doing a single session Monster of the Week for ConTessa on June 21st so far that still needs players… and I’ll be running the others later (a short Apocalypse World campaign and a drop in/drop out Dungeon World campaign).
I second Dave’s comment. I would love to participate!
Sweet. I have a wedding the weekend of June 21st but would be potentially up for both the others. Thanks for the consideration!
Andrew Medeiros Awesome! I’ll make sure to invite you both
You two get your own circle now… “Invite to World Games”!
hahaha awesome!
I am also looking for opportunities to game. If it is an open invite I’d love a slot.
David Rothfeder BOOM. Added you too!
I better already be in this damn Circle, Jamie Sue.
Ryan Perrin You’re in my INVITE TO ALLLLLL THE GAMES Circle, Ryan. I mean, that circle doesn’t actually exist except for in my head. And now, thanks to Bundle of Holding, I own Monsterhearts. Thankfully, I was provided these fillable PDFs too
I’ve got my eye on you…