Three questions members of the church of Scientology ask children when performing a “sec-check” :

Three questions members of the church of Scientology ask children when performing a “sec-check” :

Three questions members of the church of Scientology ask children when performing a “sec-check” :

– What has somebody told you not to tell?

-Have you ever done something you were very much ashamed of?

– Have you ever gotten yourself dirty on purpose?

On a 7-9, choose 1…

4 thoughts on “Three questions members of the church of Scientology ask children when performing a “sec-check” :”

  1. Well that is pretty effed up.

    Also Heresy World would be an awesome hack. You are part of the inquisition of a large church riddled with false doctrine. Root out heretics and correct accidentally off doctrine as the orthodoxy begins to come apart.

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