7 thoughts on “News about Russian Apocalypse World”

  1. I played an AW game that used The Terminator setting in Russia.

    SO COOL.

    Marco Andreetto Marco Moretti Manuela Soriani Ronny Negrelli : should we use these booklets for the final episode? ^_-

  2. Not much of a report, but I’ll tell you a couple of notes here.

    – We had a female T-800 model (booklet: Faceless), modeled on Brigitte Nielsen (pretty much the female equivalent of Schwarzenegger during the ’80s), just, well, literally faceless (duh) with a welding mask on. We triggered her Sex Move when an NPC programmer deeply inspected her code. Everyone thought it was very appropriate.

    – We had a Touchstone: very appropriate, since the game was set “a month after Skynet was taken down” (People starting to rebuild, but lots of rogue machines all over the place with no orders to follow… most of them kept shooting no matter what)

    – We had a Savvyhead (of course) and an Angel to complete the PC list.

    – the starting point was an abandoned nuclear silo where everyone needed to put everything electric into shutdown two times at night because of an hunter-killer drone passing over their head in not-so-regular but predictable patterns.

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