So, I realized that this monster might be fun to stat up, since I’ve always got Doctor Who on the mind…a little…

So, I realized that this monster might be fun to stat up, since I’ve always got Doctor Who on the mind…a little…

So, I realized that this monster might be fun to stat up, since I’ve always got Doctor Who on the mind…a little rough, I’m sure, but fun. Not sold on the weakness, either.



Type: Queen (motivation–to possess and control)

Powers: Actively erased from memories (after the person looks away). Energy absorption/release. Mental suggestion.

Weaknesses: Subconsciously-commanded enemies.

Attacks: Disintegrate Ray (5-harm close magic)

Armor: 0

Harm capacity: 8-harm will kill it

Custom Move: Silent Words

When you encounter the Silent, roll +Cool.

On a 10+, make another move.

On a 7-9, choose one of the following: you’re aware something’s wrong, the Silent doesn’t manipulate you (see below), you don’t act under pressure.

If the Silent “manipulates” you, you mark XP if you do what the Keeper asks you to do.

10 thoughts on “So, I realized that this monster might be fun to stat up, since I’ve always got Doctor Who on the mind…a little…”

  1. Should the move have something like “On a 6 or less, tell the hunter nothing happened but the Keeper chooses one of the options”?

    I can imagine how much fun it would be to have that conversation. “Oh, you failed? Nothing at all happens but if you murder the secret service agent, you can mark experience.”

  2. Felix Girke: In post-hiatus Season 6 (there were 26 seasons of Doctor Who before it went off the air in the 80s, so the BBC restarted the numbering in ’05), the Silents were an alien race who were part of a larger cult religion called the Silence. They’re aliens who wear a tuxedo; possible Slenderman influence there.

    The beliefs of that religion aren’t so important for this discussion, but the Silence is trying to kill the Doctor. They’ve been manipulating humanity in order to create the perfect circumstances to do it, which is where the Silents’ (yeah, it’s confusing…but there’s a distinction between a Silent and the Silence; the latter is comprised of many alien races, and some humans) ability kicks in. It’s like in the writeup here–when you look away, you forget having seen them…but they leave a mental suggestion in their head.

    As an offensive weapon, they also have the ability to absorb energy and then release it at someone, disintegrating them.

    Michael Sands: Hmm, that could definitely work. I guess I was relying really heavily on the Keeper’s sense of being able to make hard moves to fit the situation, based on the Silent’s ability to wipe memory. For instance…

    “Roll +Cool.”

    “Uh…I got a 5.”

    “Take 5 harm. You’re gasping for breath, locked inside a broom closet.”

  3. I’m also thinking of changing the weakness to, quite literally, “technological recording”, if that makes sense. It’s a kinda weird weakness, but with some clarification, it could work.

  4. Thanks, that does help.

    While my lack of background knowledge pretty much precludes me using The Silent as such, I WILL filch that custom move and use it to make some other monster unforgettable! … no, wait…

  5. Felix Girke: I figure the Silent could easily be used solo, outside of the Who mythos. Just drop ’em in to any situation where a monster might be trying to manipulate and control Society/Organization X. Or just have a monster stalking the group and picking them off, if you want to change the motivation.

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