Last night I ran a game to introduce a new group to #Monsteroftheweek and used the Clootie from Book of Unremitting Horror. The letter written by a little girl in this book practically handed me the mystery. What resources do you use for inspiration? I’ve used creepypasta, mythical creature wikis, monster tropes, and urban legends, but I hadn’t thought of looking through another RPG book of monsters until yesterday.
Originally shared by Jamie Sue
I used this unhappy fellow in last night’s “one shot” of Monster of the Week. I put one shot in quotes because the group decided that they liked their hunters and this game so much that they would like to keep playing. I only meant to introduce them, not start up a new campaign. Not a problem though, it was fun! I had a blast.
Monster is the Clootie from Book of Unremitting Horror
SCP! It’s fucking ALL you need. Book of Unremitting Horror is boss too, but a lot less extensive. See also: pretty much all the stuff Rafael Chandler writes. He’s fucked up, and I love him for it.
Joseph Le May Oooooooh MAAAANNN, I bookmarked SCP a while back and COMPLETELY FORGOT ABOUT IT. THANK YOU! This is awesome! I’ll have to look at Rafael’s stuff. I just grabbed Viewscream the other day to check out.
Less ViewScream, more Teratic Tome and the Books of Pandemonium.
Ok I will bite – what is SCP?
Joe Sallitt http://www.scp-wiki.net/
Wow…..amazing resource. Thanks Jamie Sue !
I guess I should get the Book of Unremitting Horror, too. I have been told of several people using it for MotW!
SCP also looks like a great resource.
I can confirm that BoUH reads like it was tailor made for your game (It’s made with GUMSHOE in mind).
Just picked up BoUH and spent several hours on the SCP wiki. Both are great. Thanks for the suggestions. I’ll also second the recommendation to check out Rafael Chandler’s stuff.
If you can lay your hands on anything from the old Chill RPG, it is a gold mine of monster goodness. Especially good: there are not just ghosts, but many types of spirits with different powers and means of dispatch.
MWP lost the license so they’re no longer for sale, but I picked up their Supernatural RPG’s supplements during the pre-removal sale with the idea that Supernatural adventure seeds and monsters and such make a natural fit for a game in part inspired by that show.