Well, we are getting closer to a finished product for 4 of my WoD Add-on books for Urban Shadows (Apocalypse World…

Well, we are getting closer to a finished product for 4 of my WoD Add-on books for Urban Shadows (Apocalypse World…

Well, we are getting closer to a finished product for 4 of my WoD Add-on books for Urban Shadows (Apocalypse World hack) and I wanted to give them out to the public to for that last round of feedback. Here is what we are working on:

• Vampire the Masquerade (proofed, play tested, PDFed, just needs a final round of proofing)

o Download: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B9Hhx1yXlz-OWWhqM1FkN1VWbVE/edit?usp=sharing

• Werewolf the Forsaken (proofed, play tested, PDFed, just needs a final round of proofing)

o Download: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B9Hhx1yXlz-OdEJuTVNBcXZ5SWM/edit?usp=sharing

• Mage the Awakening (proofed, play tested, PDFed, just needs a final round of proofing)

o Download: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B9Hhx1yXlz-Oc19fNzUxVl9OZXc/edit?usp=sharing

• Hunter the Vigil (proofed, play tested, PDFed, just needs a final round of proofing)

o Download: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B9Hhx1yXlz-ONUp5RHNhR3N4ZFk/edit?usp=sharing

• Orpheus (based on Spectre) (proofed, play tested)

• Slasher (First round of proofing almost down)

• Demon the Fallen (Being worked on)

• Changeling the Lost (Being worked on)

Enjoy the PDF’s and I would love to hear your feedback, which you can leave or comment on the working document here, that we keep all of the documents on.


12 thoughts on “Well, we are getting closer to a finished product for 4 of my WoD Add-on books for Urban Shadows (Apocalypse World…”

  1. Amazing stuff, I love it. I think I would create a separated archetypes for each vampire the masquerade clan, taking the description of the clan and finding some space in the vamp archetype, maybe reducing the friends, enemies and lovers section. Of course the disciplines go apart as you did right now. And I guess it would be necessary too introduce the new advances and the new moves in the archetype. Maybe it a big refactoring of the design I don’t know.

  2. Alejandro González Núñez I went this way, because it afforded me a simpler addition, so that I could make them semi-consistent to a variety of books other than just Vampire. Second, I wanted these to be near straight add-ons to Urban Shadows,. They do not rebut its rules, minus a replacement of an advancement chart.

    In doing so, each player has a vast amount amount of choices in creating their character.

    I will also note, that if I was creating 14 Archetypes for each clan, I would probably have been far lazier than forcing myself to do 3 abilities per discipline,.

    I have done about, 22 playtest with this setup all Vampire and after plenty of work/ tweaks … it runs pretty flawlessly.

  3. Undying by Paul Riddle already does so many things similar that, so it works out well, that I do something so different.

    I am glad you do like it, Alejandro González Núñez. If you have any suggestions on moves, ect …… would love to hear them.

  4. Geist was not used because the entire premise or both geist games being in the otherworld which isn’t very cross game friendly, so I went Orpheus….. Check it out in the google doc, it is almost done.

  5. Paul, I am on my 22nd session of just VtM, but unlike oWoD, I wanted to make it cross compatible if players and MCs wished. I wanted to make a game that you can play how YOU want.

    In my game we have 3 Malks, so yes it is possible. When I get back in town I will send you my current doc where I have added some rules from Kingdom adding roles and organizations.

  6. Paul, when I get back from vacation ….. If you want to jump on the team to help with a WoD hack we are not doing that you are interested in making happen, I am would love to have it.

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