Is there a Firefly/Serenity *World hack floating around anywhere?

Is there a Firefly/Serenity *World hack floating around anywhere?

Is there a Firefly/Serenity *World hack floating around anywhere? My group want to play the new Firefly Cortex+ preview I brought home from Gencon, but the mechanics aren’t gelling for me. I’m afraid *World games have ruined me for other mechanics…

14 thoughts on “Is there a Firefly/Serenity *World hack floating around anywhere?”

  1. /sub. Me too John. Completely ruined although my problem is worse. I’m so into the collaborative thing, I can’t keep the GM/Player roles straight any more either. 

  2. Doesn’t the base AW work already with Firefly?

    Wash was a Driver, Mal a gunslinger, etc..  slight tweaking of course necessary to make it work better, but I think the framework is already there.

  3. You could run it as a strait up AW game… that’s what I keep planning to do anyway. lol Mal is the Operator (Or Hardholder, people have made cases for others too I think…) River is the Brainer, Wash is the Driver, Zoey is the Battlebabe, Inara is the Skinner, Simon is the Angel, Kaylee is the Savvyhead, Jayne is the Gunlugger and Book is the Touchstone ( =D )

    Ah… someone beat me to it. lol I type to slow.

  4. Also the background for firefly is post apocalyptic.  I mean they left ‘the earth that was’ for a reason.  Granted it’s more than 50 years past that (I think) and there’s no apparent psychic maelstrom (that we can tell), but hey, why not.

  5. Agreed, David Rothfeder. To me, post-apocalyptic meant zombies and Mad Max, whereas thinking of Firefly through that lens implies a superset of genre examples. Something for me to ponder. 

  6. It is all about the fiction after all.  Just change the key words in a move to incorporate the desired fiction and it can work.

    The Driver, for example, change all references of cars to a sailing vessel, etc and you conceivably can have a low fantasy gritty pirate captain in your hands.

  7. Tim Franzke Once again, game fiction.  I think the odd thing is many are thinking one needs to create MOVES for everything.  When in truth, Moves are simply there to help add more fun and some semblance of system to making the fiction more fun.

    The Driver moves, as written, don’t require such.  Then make them require it to make the game work.  That’s the point of adapting a system to work for what you want to accomplish, you embrace was works and you slightly adjust what needs adjusting.  And given the Apocalypse world system, most tweaks are very easy to embrace so long as you remember to focus on making the fiction consistent.

  8. River seemed to be tapping in to something similar to the maelstrom when she would have those psychic flashbacks or whatever you want to call them. I think a straight AW game in the firefly setting works 100%. Might want add something for space ship combat but thats an addition and not a modificiation.

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