Some big changes are coming to Urban Shadows.

Some big changes are coming to Urban Shadows.

Some big changes are coming to Urban Shadows. The Beta play-test, as we’re calling it, will involve several improvements and revisions, including the following;

A huge overall of the basic moves with revisions, changes, and in one case, a removal.

The Faction moves have all been revised.

End of Session move expanded.

Debt uses are shortened and stream-lined for the time being. Planning on building from the ground up.

The current Injury system has been replaced with a new Harm/Injury hybrid. Making armour more useful.

All the Archetypes have seen revision and updating for the changes. Some Archetype moves have been removed and replaced with (hopefully) superior ones.

Will be releasing the Beta Play-test in the next week or so. Will also be happy to discuss and share early with those who attend the play-test discussion on Wednesday evening.

Thanks for being a part of this awesome community and showing your interest in the game so far! It’s very much appreciated.

8 thoughts on “Some big changes are coming to Urban Shadows.”

  1. Jon, just waiting to hear back from some play-testing that will be happening at PAX this weekend. After I have a chance to discuss the experience with that MC, I will release the documents. If you’d like a sneak peak, send me a private message on here or Infrno with your email addy and I will send you what I have so far.

    I played with the changes on Sunday with my local group and I was very happy with them. 🙂

  2. You gonna be at Metatopia, prettyplease? Harder for me to miss a playtest cuz I’m going to a convention when it’s one where you’re running the game.

  3. Lisa, I wish I was, but sadly no. I live in Canada and I am far away from all these amazing conventions. That being said, we have some pretty awesome cons here too, but they tend to be a little smaller is all.

    My plan for next year is to attend both Origins and GenCon. I know it’s a while away but it’s better than nothing. 🙂

  4. Whereas next year, I’m doing LOndon for WorldCon during GenCon. We might make Origins, but… well, we’re running a very small filking convention the following week.

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