I have my first MoTW game staring in a few weeks! The plan is for the team to work out of New Orleans in the weeks after Hurricane Katrina. Lots of death and flood damage stirs up a slew of supernatural activity. Complicate things with the recovery efforts, crime, and out of town activism, and there will be plenty of trouble to go around.
I have my first MoTW game staring in a few weeks!
I have my first MoTW game staring in a few weeks!
/sub 2
That’s a great idea! My own game is set in New Orleans, but in 2013. We’ve established that the end if the season would bring some sort of ‘watery apocalypse’ though, and I’m thinking the hunters will have to stop another Katrina from destroying the city.
And given their track record art stopping anything, I may have to steal ideas from you
I found this, which could surely get dropped in for some levity when a crew is in the French Quarter during the day!
(Lenny Kravitz crashing a choir singing “Fly Away”)
Lenny Kravitz crashes the VOP Choir in New Orleans for “Fly Away”
Almost forgot about Hurricane Rita.. 1 month after Katrina. and then Gustav in 2008. Adding in Bush news conferences for Rita to my playlist for session 2 or 3.
My new chromecast is going to come in handy!
Hurricane Rita Preparations at FEMA 2005/9/23
This is going to be fun having NPCs respond to the conferences!
I got my chalk.. Totally going to make the players build a demon trap!