Hi all.

Hi all.

Hi all.  I’ve been wanting to try out Monster of the Week for a while now, and we’re going to be starting a game next week. I’ll be the Keeper, there will be three players.

The thing we’re thinking of doing is basically running this in the world of Supernatural, using their setting and mythos straight from the show.  We’re not going to be playing the Winchesters, and I don’t want to involve them (we’ll have to think about how this works, maybe we set it in the 70s or something). We’re all massive fans of the show, and given how influenced MotW is by it, it seems like an easy option 🙂

I just wondered if anyone else had run MotW in the Supernatural setting, and how did it go?

5 thoughts on “Hi all.”

  1. Never played in the Supernatural setting, but I’ve run several demos inspired by the Supernatural general pattern. They were all very funny, and it’s really easy to put a wandering hunter party in a demo.

  2. Oh yeah, I think it will work well for the show (obviously!) just wondered how others had dealt with the Winchesters essentially.  Like do you just ignore them?  Meet them in play?  Set it in the past before they were active?  Just looking for ideas really.

  3. Hmm… you PCs are another group/family of hunters who rides and hunts the monsters on America’s roads. The Winchesters are on the background, maybe you can listen to their deeds when you travel around.

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