I vaguely remember that Jason Morningstar posted a list of alternative apocalypse world names to Story-Games.com once upon a time, but I can’t find it now. Did I dream it? I love the canonical names, but all of the players in my game have played before, so I’m looking for some new ones… anybody seen that list?
I vaguely remember that Jason Morningstar posted a list of alternative apocalypse world names to Story-Games.com…
I vaguely remember that Jason Morningstar posted a list of alternative apocalypse world names to Story-Games.com…
yes he did and I lost it too…
I couldn’t find it, but while I was looking for it, I found this thread, which is amazing and on point:
I don’t think i did that, guys, but rock on.
Here it is: http://www.meekmok.com/sassy/games/aw/aw_names.pdf
Ah, I was confused. Yes, I made that and it is 708 times better than the default names.
Jamie Fristrom There’s also big-ass list of names (527) here: http://apocalypse-world.com/forums/index.php?topic=2975.0 As the author says “in case you’re running short”