Played Monsterhearts for the first time.

Played Monsterhearts for the first time.

Played Monsterhearts for the first time.  It was the first role playing game for everyone involved, good times were had.

The Cast:

A wealthy Queen that was tired of her old high school and is looking for a new challenge.

A traumatized Vampire that ran away from his family and the teacher that abused him.

A North-Korean Ghoul that escaped his country but bit by zombies, has powerful cravings for chaos and flesh but still want to do well in school and go to college.

A sympathetic Fae that lives with a grandmother that mistakes the Fae for her long dead child.


The Ghoul snitches on the Queen to gain favor of the teacher. The Fae attempts to blackmail the Queen and the Vampire, the vampire tries to hypnotize her but fails, in the end neither side got what they wanted. The Queen and the Vampire follows the Fae home for revenge after school, but is interrupted when the Ghoul breaks in to Fae’s house and ate the grandmother’s leg.

The Ghoul plays it cool and convince the Fae that it was a bear. The Fae is marginally convinced, but consider the lie as a promise. The vampire runs into his old math teacher into a coffee shop, the one that abused him and drove him away.