Running the ‘Hood: A Big Fish in a Small Pond (AW hack about being delinquents trying to get by through crime,…

Running the ‘Hood: A Big Fish in a Small Pond (AW hack about being delinquents trying to get by through crime,…

Running the ‘Hood: A Big Fish in a Small Pond (AW hack about being delinquents trying to get by through crime, shadiness and whatever means you can. Think Snatch and; Lock, Stock and two Smoking Barrels) by James Mullen  for the online Let Us Game – RPG Convention.

Looking for a couple more players.

One thought on “Running the ‘Hood: A Big Fish in a Small Pond (AW hack about being delinquents trying to get by through crime,…”

  1. I hope this works out well; as I still haven’t had a chance to play it myself, I’m slightly worried that it might be a little rough around the edges, but my Just Heroes hack was in the same situation and that worked out for those who went and played it.

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