For the advancement, “Advance 3 of the basic moves” , why not just one basic move?

For the advancement, “Advance 3 of the basic moves” , why not just one basic move?

For the advancement, “Advance 3 of the basic moves” , why not just one basic move? Wouldn’t that make basic move advancements much more meaningful when you can only choose 2?

5 thoughts on “For the advancement, “Advance 3 of the basic moves” , why not just one basic move?”

  1. Well, frankly I feel advancing one basic move would not be a very impressive option and players wouldn’t choose it. As is, taking both these advances still only lets you advances 6 of the 8 basic moves, so there will always be something you can’t get there.

  2. You want me to tone down an advance because players want to take it? I don’t see that happening. Play-test it first and if it breaks the game for you then we can talk. Keep in mind that Apoc World offers players 3 and then the other 4 advanced moves in two advances and I never had a problem with that, compared to that, U-S is toned down.

  3. I agree with Andrew. And considering that in our WoD add-on, these advancements are only available after advancing a few times to begin with… still. Advancing a move doesn’t really change much over all. You still have to roll a 12 or higher total. Not exactly very high chance of that occurring regularly (Really a 0-20% chance, I believe, on a stat range of -2 to +3 ). And since not every one will want to advance moves that all use the same stat, the difficulty of it changes with each different move.

    The thing is… with our add-on, there are already so many options that advancing three basic moves is pretty balanced with our options of choosing a new power or adding +1 to a stat. Choosing only one move to advance would really lower the appeal for it unless the person who chooses it is using the same move on such a regular basis that he wants to forsake everything else and just focus on that one character aspect.

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