13 thoughts on “Hi all”

  1. Ooh ! WFRP hacks would be neat, and a great way to stress yes the compendium class concept.

    I have notes on Deathwatch and a commissar oriented take on Only War in progress. Read any of the good 40k novels and the moves just spill out of your brain onto the page.

    Here’s a death move lifted from Grim World for DW:

    The Laughter of Thirsting Gods

    When you are mortally wounded you may strike one last blow for the Emperor. Attack as normal plus add half the damage and any tags desired from the blow that struck you down.

    40k moves tend to have names as metal as anything g.

  2. It depends. I play an Only War game, where I have two players who know nothing about the setting. They make assumptions all the time that are wrong. I roll with them, as do the other players. The same thing can be done with a lot of adventures, especially apocalypse flavored, if you move out to far edges… It’s perfect for a Rogue Trader game… and still strong for a Dark Heresy game, I’d imagine.

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