Is there already a The Laundry hack for Tremulus ? Or a Delta Green one ?
Is there already a The Laundry hack for Tremulus ? Or a Delta Green one ?
Is there already a The Laundry hack for Tremulus ? Or a Delta Green one ?
Is there already a The Laundry hack for Tremulus ? Or a Delta Green one ?
Is there already a The Laundry hack for Tremulus ? Or a Delta Green one ?
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(I feel the urge to add that I won’t make one. I don’t know Tremulus enough to do it, and my previous attempt at a hack, Bureaucalypse, Paranoïa running on AW engine, is not that satisfying).
Not sure if there really needs to be a tremulus hack, per se, to get the feel of either The Laundry or Delta Green. You just need to make up some playbooks that capture the feel of characters you’d want to find in either case.
I’m not as familiar with The Laundry (despite having all the Cubicle7 game books), but in the case of Delta Green, you could easily reskin some of the current playbooks to look more like Federal Agents and paramilitary operatives.
Game-Rule wise, you wouldn’t need to change anything, I think.
I should probably also ask, were you a member of the kickstarter for tremulus? A lot of the additional playbooks they’re cranking out would work really well for Delta Green, I think.
For DG, it would work, truly. Using elements from AW and putting them in Tremulus. For The Laundry, there is the whole “corporate-BOFH-spynovel” mix. That is more difficult. Some elements from Bureaucalypse might do part of the trick, but…
Yes, I do have those. I’ve not read them all, I must say. (Not the “cemetery” ones).
Yeah, cemetery ones not so useful for DG or Laundry. But they came at an opportune moment for me to run a one-shot of tremulus this weekend centered around a memorial service. Heh.
Um… with minor tweaks, I think Monster of the Week would work
I haven’t read “Monster of the Week” yet, but it seems to have a better thematic correlation with Laundry/Delta Green than tremulus would.
You could check out Urban Shadows as well. Its more along the Dresden Files style of game but might fit.
Mythos Week: Shadows Over the Apocalypse…
…sounds like a Discovery or History channel special.