I know there is dungeon world for medieval gaming, but has anyone just used apocalypse world anyway (with different play books) to run a gritty Medieval fantasy like song of fire and ice?
I know there is dungeon world for medieval gaming, but has anyone just used apocalypse world anyway (with different…
I know there is dungeon world for medieval gaming, but has anyone just used apocalypse world anyway (with different…
There have been thoughts along that line here, yeah. Nothing in public yet. And I’d be really surprised to learn no one had just house-ruled a few names and some setting color.
I found a world of ice and fire in the apocalypse world playbooks site actually, and a Conan one!!
I think this will help. If not, it’s still a good list to bookmark: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nPfff5dSHsk__rFHGQfLaAmb3ns680s_Fc0CSNlhfFA/edit#heading=h.c96xbwiq6wwh
I think one of the cool thing about *world games is how they all define a particular settings, but the tropes displayed by the playbooks seem to be larger than just that. Apocalypse World can run the range from Sci-Fi to Fantasy, but it will always create a very powerful tone of scarcity. Similarly, Monsterhearts could just as easily take place in an medieval royal academy or a space-age “education space station”. The game I’m working on is defined as a medieval-or-earlier fantasy game, but I feel like Star Wars, Doctor Who, and Harry Potter would be conveyed just as well with mostly the same rules.
Has anyone run a fantasy apocWorld game? I’m curious to know how it actually turns out.
Colter Hanna is barking up the tree I’m thinking about, bringing the apocalypse world tone (not the dungeon world tone) to a fantasy setting!
The song if ice and fire uses strings (monster hearts I think) and feels like an interpersonal intrigue story.
Todd Nicholas of The Jank Cast has a game called The Sword, The Crown, and The Unspeakable Power that is meant to be ASoIaF powered by the apocalypse.
I remember something like this coming up on the SA forums; just reskinning the existing playbooks to “dark fantasy”. So the Angel becomes the Cleric, the Battlebabe is the Barbarian, the Gunlugger becomes the Swordlugger, and so on.
Yeah. Sword/Crown/Power is in beta. Let me know if you want a copy.
I’ll give that beta a look! I’m a while off from running a game but I can def read it
You know that there is someone working on song of ice and fire world?
Are they still working on it?
I downloaded one song of ice and fire From lumpley site
I’m running AW set in post-Roman Britain, inspired by Jo Walton’s The King’s Name and The King’s Peace. So far we’ve needed a few house rules about weapon types and damages but that’s it.
Are you using the apocalypse world play books?
Yes. They all fit nicely, really, if you change technology to magic or religion.
Andrew Medeiros wrote a hack specifically for ASOIF
There are also some great fantasy hacks out there that don’t go the route of Dungeon World but follow a sword & sorcery theme
And then there’s also this
I like those!!!
Sure! Did you see the one I sent you, Christopher?
I´d like to see the beta too Todd, please? 🙂
Sure, Eduardo. I just google plussed it to you.
Don’t forget World of Conan, I think that’s the first to do sandbox fantasy as opposed to dungeon crawl fantasy
Oops, it wasn’t forgotten.
Todd Nicholas yeah i got it, thanks so much!
Todd Nicholas I would love to see the beta of SCUP
Todd Nicholas Sorry to jump on the bandwagon, but I would love a look too!
No prob. Do me a favor, though, and start a private G+ circle with me. There are several people Matthew Cashman and I can’t figure out which one is you! When I see it, I’ll give you the link.