Totally awesome idea on the Geek about a Monster of the Week “shared universe” to let players and Keepers drop in…

Totally awesome idea on the Geek about a Monster of the Week “shared universe” to let players and Keepers drop in…

Totally awesome idea on the Geek about a Monster of the Week “shared universe” to let players and Keepers drop in and out of the plot.

7 thoughts on “Totally awesome idea on the Geek about a Monster of the Week “shared universe” to let players and Keepers drop in…”

  1. I’m planning a wiki, with GMs and maybe players writing case reports that other players can read, did you figure out what to do with histories? I’ve thinking I’ll have to make a standard player wide agency and also the cult, maybe tie that in as the psi department.

  2. I’m playing on hangouts and maybe roll20. The idea is to get around the problems of doing a season with lots of different players in different countries and time zones. So if we have two professionals in a game I want them to be part of the same agency.

  3. Got to 12 missions now, including a mid season finale with a crazy fight inside STAMP hq. Also another member of the site is using the setting for a fun Pbf game during rpggeeks pbf initiative.

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