Stuff that players might have or find. I can imagine a lot of transition artifacts, attempts by those in the midst of the apocalypse to survive and to improvise. that players might have or find.
Stuff that players might have or find.
On a similar note:
I’m imagining an apocalypse world that’s a bit flooded and garbage covered, with lots of improvised plastic things from the transition period.
These are quite cool. Thanks Tim Groth
I want to see more transition artifacts.
I imagine you’d also have plastic / vinyl bag quilts, with compressed styrofoam and packing peanuts as the interior. Likewise lean-to type structure of various plastics with styrofoam insulation.
Also lots of roofs with holes cut in them to have a smaller soda bottle with some water+bleach in it to provide some light to a structure where windows aren’t as practical for a variety of reasons (this is currently being done,
Likewise sun based water treatment (for bacteria and so on). Also being currently done, uses plastic bottles and corrugated metal.
Basically a lot of clever uses of plastics as it takes so long to breakdown. Unless of course it is a plastic eating bacteria including apocalypse.
The solar bottle bulb is awesome – in real life as well as game material.
In a gritty campaign, this stuff could make you a hero. Makes me see savvy heads in a whole new light…
Absolutely, you could run it really tied to the trash of the past. Everyone has hovels and awfulness. Savvy heads are wealthy beyond belief because they’ve got metal that isn’t just guns and bullets. Their technology is shocking. I think this is somewhat implicit in the way that only the vehicle focused Playbooks have access to such, and only the Brainer and Savvy Head really have a hope at anything hi tech that’s not a leftover military weapon. These things stand out in the landscape of broken, partially recycled artifacts.
For a less grim take still using it, the Apocalypse World is built out of that which lasts from the old world. The aesthetic is different, because the raw materials are the processed remains of the past, but transition techniques gave way to full on technological development that refines the waste of the ancients into the wonders of the present.