I’ve just discoverer Sagas of the Icelanders RPG with this review : http://hu-mu.blogspot.fr/2013/12/sagas-of-icelanders.html
Being a roleplayer for 20+ years and being a fan of Iceland (a country I fell in love with when I visited it in 2008), I bought the game based on it. I’ve bought the print+pdf edition, of course
Some quick questions
How is PDF delivered ? By eMail?
Is there a ePub/Mobi (Kindle) version? If not, would you considerer it (having some experience in eBook making, I could do it for you, fan work)?
As I recall, the PDF is e-mailed manually.
Yep, the PDF is delivered manually after I receive the confirmation of payment.
There is just the PDF version. If there’s enough interest an ePub/Mobi version would be cool, but I have no idea how to go about it. What would you need to make one?
I’ve received the message, I’ve downloaded the PDF (and began to read it, it looks wonderful).
To build a, ePub/Mobi version I would only need a source version of your PDF (the .doc or .odt if you used MS Office ou OpenOffice, for example). I would transform that sourc einto HTML, and then using Calibre (an open source tool) and some manual tweaking, I would transform that HTML into an ePub and/or Mobi eBook.
I’m interested in it because these times I use my eReader a lot, and I’ve grown to love it, I can take it with me anywhere, and carry dozens of books without any weight. And it’s easier for my eyes to read on the eReader than on the computer or tablet.
Cool, I can send you the source file, but I’m afraid there were a lot of little fixes and edits that were done directly in InDesign/the PDF towards the end. So the actual .doc file that I have is somewhat outdated in a few places.
If you most updated source is inDesign, I can also use it as base in Scribus (I’m a linux user, no inDesign for me
). You could me the inDesign source in IDML (File -> Export -> IDML format). That would get me the last version of text, but maybe not images (images in IDML can be either embedded or linked, linked ones wouldn’t come with the IDML file). So if you send me both the .doc source file and the IDML file, it would work 
Ok, I’ll ask my layout designer for the latest files.