hey all, a little shameless self-promotion here!

hey all, a little shameless self-promotion here!

hey all, a little shameless self-promotion here!

I’ve been doing a Hangout On Air about games Powered by the Apocalypse called Splat World.

My co-hosts are Brendan Conway and Mark Diaz Truman 

We just completed the third episode, which is all about Workspaces and Infirmaries. We talked about some of the feedback I received here from this community! Thanks!

Splat World and Workspaces/Infirmaries


5 thoughts on “hey all, a little shameless self-promotion here!”

  1. Sucks that I didn’t get my comment in before the deadline… you guys mentioned the hardholder, but how a hardholder based workspace might look was just not on the table in time.

    Great show, love these kinds of discussions!

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