I have a rules question concerning relationships that I didn’t find in the community here. If you mark a relationship and then change that relationship or drop it to create a new one, do you lose the marked status of he relationship?
For example, I have four relationships: Ragnar is somebody I don’t trust, Ragnhild is my mother, Steiner is my half-brother from another father, Niall is my fiance
If I look into my mother’s heart and ask the player “what do you intend to do?” I mark the relationship, but then next session I change my relationships and replace Ragnhild, my mother, with Mohamed the Child-Man who I find strange and silly.
What happens to the mark with my mother? Still there for purposes of getting a new move? Or gone forever?
I think it is gone. You have to hold on to relationships until you get the advancement i think.
There is no official answer, but my inclination is to let people carry over the “xp” and hold it, even if they lose the mark.
Thanks for the quick answer Gregor Vuga.
When you put it that way Tim Franzke , that makes perfect sense!
I suppose both approaches are correct. 🙂
We had looked at a mix of the two. If the relationship changed but still involved the same person, the mark would remain. If the relationship changed to a new person, the mark would be lost.
I let players keep their mark even if they change their relationship, that makes a better turnover of relationships/scenes for me.
I would aim for more consistency there, keeps the slightly isolated icelandic feel maybe better.