One thought on “I’m going to get to run a weekly saga! Any advice?”

  1. I’m thinking that first I’ll put the Man and the Woman on the table, and only after they’ve been claimed will I put the other rolebooks on the table. One person has already said he wants to play the Child. I can’t wait to see what everyone else picks.

    A lot of the names will depend on who takes the Man, and what name he picks. The place where it all happens would be [name]staðir, right? Like, if he chooses Bjorn, his farmstead would probably be called Bjornstaðir, right? And if I wanted to title the saga something like “saga of the clan of [name],” it’d be something like the Bjorning Saga? I think that’s right, but I’m not terribly confident, so if any of you who are more familiar with Icelandic can confirm that or tell me I’m wrong, I’d appreciate it.

    Then, the plan is to set up a page on Obsidian Portal, and Giulianna Lamanna will use this as writing practice to write up our sessions in the style and tone of the sagas.

    We picked up the ingredients for all the recipes in the book, so we’ll have those on hand. I’ve been fleshing out a good music playlist. Very excited about Tuesday night!

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