Just wanted to pop in and say that I had a FANTASTIC time playing Urban Shadows at Dreamation.

Just wanted to pop in and say that I had a FANTASTIC time playing Urban Shadows at Dreamation.

Just wanted to pop in and say that I had a FANTASTIC time playing Urban Shadows at Dreamation. It was definitely one of the highlights of the con for me 🙂

3 thoughts on “Just wanted to pop in and say that I had a FANTASTIC time playing Urban Shadows at Dreamation.”

  1. I can’t wait until I can get a copy of the rules so I can find a group to play this game again! I know that myself and one other player plan on keeping our characters on the off chance that we will get to rework them for another session. One thing I have to say that I liked that might not be for everyone is how much freedom we had with the ways in which out characters’ supernatural natures worked. I’m going to use the Vamp as an example since that’s what I played. Most games tell people what the weaknesses are for those kinds of characters, be it silver or sunlight or crosses whatever. In this game you asked me as the player to come up with that and that was AWESOME. I didn’t feel constrained by a system that tells me that my character has to be completely out of commission in the daytime, or that garlic pizza was poison to her, I could make limitations that I felt fit with the collective story that we were telling. It made me feel like the players had a lot of power in the world setting not just over our characters. To me, that’s freeing, but I might see where that could be off putting to someone who wants more structure.

  2. That’s the new indie game movement, Erin. Loads of freedom to contribute as a player and that in turn gives you loads of buy-in. It’s also less work for your GM, so it’s win-win!

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