So, I thought this approach sounded a bit familiar…. 😀
“Ask questions, build on the answers”, anyone?
So, I thought this approach sounded a bit familiar…. 😀
So, I thought this approach sounded a bit familiar…. 😀
“Ask questions, build on the answers”, anyone?
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Yep. Nice to see its taking root.
I like how Chuck drills into it, too. Great advice that can be pulled back and chewed on for PbtA gaming!
(We need a Catbeard playbook stat.)
Best quote EVAR.
You might say, “Ah, but isn’t plot first?” Yeah, no. Plot is either a thing you see built out of a series of characters pushing and pulling against each other and against the world via a series of desires and fears or it’s a thing that you the storyteller lay externally over the proceeding. As I’ve noted many-a-time, the former is like the bones inside a skeleton (hidden but animating), while the latter is like bones duct-taped to a boneless body (obvious and mechanical). Plot is not a thing for you to slot characters into; it is the thing created as a result of their words and actions.
I need a maco that posts that
Excellent post.
The former is Play To Find Out What Happens. The latter is meta-plot. One of these makes for better games, the other makes for better novels in established canon. Different mediums; different skill sets required.
A skeleton meta-plot in the background is useful. From this can be hung the questions we need to ask.
I believe that would be a Front?