As the text says, I was bored.

As the text says, I was bored.

As the text says, I was bored.

Originally shared by Kasper Brohus Allerslev

Was bored. Made this:

How to play AW-based games! A simple algorithm.

Step 1 (Initialization):

a) Choose someone to be the GM.

b) All non-GMs make a character.

c) GM initializes the game by presenting an opening situation and a context.

d) Go to step 2.

Step 2 (Players’ turn to speak):

a) GM says “What do you do?”.

b) Wait until a player says something.

c) Does the player give the GM a golden opportunity? Then go to step 4.

d) Does it trigger a move? Then go to step 3.

e) Otherwise, go to step 4.

Step 3 (Resolve move):

a) Carry out the instructions in the move.

b) If you rolled a miss, you have just given the GM a golden

opportunity. Go to step 4.

c) Did the effects of the move trigger a new move? Go to step 3.

d) Otherwise, go to step 4.

Step 4 (GM’s turn):

a) Did a player just give you a golden opportunity? Make a hard

move and go to step 2.

b) Otherwise, make a soft move and go to step 2.

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