Yet another update to the chart! Read the former post here: https://plus.google.com/u/0/+KasperBrohus/posts/JABCGKiXqiS
You might need to read it in order to understand everything.
This chart should be a little better, however it might make it look like you can’t aid or interfere, because it explicitly allow for two people to trigger moves at the same time.
I don’t think this is a problem per sé. It just requires the reader to understand that many processes can run in parallel with a conjoint outcome.
Aid/Interfere is an HX Move, that has some disagreement on order in relation to the Move that triggers it.
Some say it is a Move that is resolved before the triggering Move and adds to the action, some say simultaneous to the triggering Move and interrupts the action, and others say after the mechanics of the triggering Move but before effects of the action are resolved. — also; different hacks treat it differently.
I don’t think your chart implies you can’t Aid/Interfere. You simply resolve both moves one after the other, merging consequences and GM moves if needed.