Originally shared by Darcy Boyd
So now that #DreamAskew has got me thinking about it, I’m really into this idea of Playbook Principles. If they were a part of #ApocalypseWorld, or a Hack, what do you think they would they be for each Playbook?
#Dream+Askew #Apocalypse+World
That’s an interesting idea. Something to unify the play books without imposing a bunch of rules. Huh. Here’s what I got at midnight with not enough sleep:
-Give them choices over power
-Help depict the setting
-Make them unique
-Make them bad-a$$
-Provide ample hooks
-Make them beg the question
Matt Smith The playbooks in Dream Askew all have different principles, apart from “Make your character fallible and relatable.” and are thematically reinforcing rather than than procedural.
Darcy Boyd I had been thinking similarly, but not enough yet to offer an answer.