Trying to see if my former high school friends want to take a shot at a AW campaign.

Trying to see if my former high school friends want to take a shot at a AW campaign.

Trying to see if my former high school friends want to take a shot at a AW campaign.  While doing some reading I came across this:

THE MARMOT – Written with Ben Lehman

One thing that hasn’t changed since the apocalypse:

people do bad things to each other and expect to get

away with it. If there’s any marmot who can untangle

the secrets, the lies, and the pain to 􀃫find some justice in

this 􀃫filthy, 􀃫filthy world, it’s you.

The marmot is a detective, and no shit, it’s a marmot. A furry

little rodent dude who solves mysteries. If you want to play

a marmot detective, well, here’s your chance. Warning: your

fellow players just might think you’re fucking around with


I about choked on my drink, laughing way too hard.

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