Teddy Fuller was asking how I’d go about doing someone like boomerang so here he is. He’s a villain though so I didn’t bother with Origin or Drive books. (You could make him reformed and do something similar to Black Widow though).
STEP 1: Choose Stats:
Verbs: Smash: 1 Influence: -1 Maneuver: +2 Protect: 0 Investigate: 1
STEP 2: Write in your summary of powers (this should include anything and everything you’ll want to be able to do in the game that a normal person couldn’t do). It can totally be vague and broad – mastery over magnetism, superhuman strength, whatever. Powers that are advantages means they have the ability thanks to technology, an item, or something that is not an inherent ability (hence it can be taken away, messed with, etc.)
Summary of Powers: Unerring accuracy, physical conditioning of a professional athlete. Street fighting.
Powers that are Advantages: Arsenal of specialized boomerangs. Examples: shatterangs (explosive), gasarangs (disabling tear gas), razorangs, screamerangs, bladarangs. Jet pack.
STEP 3: Answer the questions in the book to limit your powers if you so desire. By limiting your powers you can define more things you can do without risk (re: rolling the dice and making the Push). You also get more Bonds that you can use later to guarantee success in doing something.
(Extra Bonds from limitations -> 1 for being purely offensive. 1 – for being able to run out of ammo.)
2 Simple – Knock out someone unsuspecting (gasarang), hit anything with pinpoint accuracy from 90 meters.
1 Difficult – Hit anything with pinpoint accuracy from 90 meters, leap across rooftops and other feats of athletics.
1 Borderline – Hit multiple targets in an open space with precision (cool ricochets, trick shots, etc.)
1 Possible – Turn any object into a deadly weapon using pinpoint accuracy.
1 Impossible – Hit someone over 250 meters away with obstructions in the way
The write ups are great Kyle, it’s a great way to get insight into how characters work in WiP.
Will Drives and Origins have their own mini play books or cards, or will there be blank sheets on the main archetype play book to write them in?
I love the idea of assembling your character from 2 or 3 smaller play books or a main play book and several move cards.
How we go about doing the player sheet is something we’ll have to discuss with Daniel.
At the very least we can have Origins ready to go on the sheet, and then I was thinking of maybe having a paperclip or something to pin the drive book to it.
Cards good very well work too though I suppose, though we wouldn’t have the budget for individual art for each card.
We’ll have to see, I’m sure Daniel will have some idea about it!
Full image art would indeed be very expensive! A faded background image of the drive logo would be pretty classy though. I did something similar on a few of my 3rd party dungeon world play books and the effect is quite striking.
Thank you. That helped greatly.
Very cool! Yeah I think something like that would be doable. I’ll keep it in mind when I talk to Daniel about what he thinks would be a good way to go.
I’m excited to see what you guys come up with!
That looks cool Adrian Thoen, I like the idea of a background image like that!
I don’t see why a few basic drive books can not be made for playing villainous characters ….. I get the basic moves are not perfect, but it could still work.
Not necessarily villainous character but maybe reformed/road to redemption drive or vengeance.
Ie. Punisher?
Could be used there but was thinking of just former villains/criminals turning a new leaf or something happens that they are now on the side of justice/good.
Teddy Fuller , Tommy Rayburn ,We are working on a playbook that is for reformed villains. Also, The Vigilante, See Justice Done Drive books were designed with the Punisher is mind. Playing anti-heroes or reformed baddies is something we had in mind. Straight up BIG BAD EVIL BAD GUY, is something we feel is better served by another game. Or supplement maybe?
Thanks for the add Adrian Thoen!