Hey folks! I’m currently in the midst of planning an Apocalypse World movie night as to prepare my group for an upcoming Apocalypse World game.
The event will consist of two movies, I’m looking for a gonzo/light hearted movie and a darker one, and am looking for suggestions.
Tank Girl and A Boy And His Dog.
Tank Girl was in fact on the list. I was debating between that and Escape from L.A.
Zombieland and Stake Land
Light: Waterworld, Beyond Thunderdome, Machete
Dark: Book of Eli, A Fistful of Dollars, The Road, Dawn of the Dead
I second book of Eli / The Road / I am legend for the ‘Darker’ one.
Zombieland is a FANTASTIC choice for the light-hearted one
Though Tank Girl is always a winner.
The Proposition and Idi i Smotri
Oooh Yes, the Proposition takes the win!
The Road Warrior – it’s got an obvious hardholder, driver, savvyhead, faceless, and a battlebabe, and one character who could be a skinner or maybe he’s an operator. And plenty of hard moves to go around!
Lighter: Rollerblade 7. Heavier: the Road or the Proposition.
Damn it, you made me watch The Proposition again. I hate it when I watch The Proposition.
You love the aussie accents Vx
Is “A boy and his dog on the list?” and “The Battery”?
The Road, definitely The Road.