Ok folks, I need your help!
I’m running desperately short of NPC wants and body parts to follow around in our AW game.
I’ve used the DW instinct list for inspiration, which is kinda helpful, but its the body parts I’m drawing blanks on when I leap forward with named NPCs…
There are only so many folks that follow their gut, their dick or their cowardly heart around.
Any evocative ideas? Lists even?
Hands, greed.
Eyes, knowledge.
Mouth, search good taste.
Lungs, air, freedom.
Spine, slavey type.
Ass, weird love.
Feet, always wandering.
My 2 cents.
NPC generator:
It doesn’t have bodyparts and wants on it (yet), but it’s a leg up.
Ok, version 1.3 … I added bodyparts!
I still see 1.2 when I click the link.
I had a list when I was running a couple months ago…it was helpful, it had things like:
Big, flexing hands
Slowly-turning braingears
Shifting eyes
Twitching feet
Filed teeth
Big, open heart
dirty, chipped fingernails
Soft, milky-white eyes
jewel-covered fingers
Big flat clown feet
Poking elbows
Creaking bones
The’re great Kevin Farnworth !
Kevin Farnworth In Apocalypse World, the NPC “body parts” should be an expedient to obtain the main behaviour of the NPC. So an NPC that value “heart”, maybe he’s a kind person. An NPC that value “guts”, he’s a brave one (or a coward). And so on.
Oh I’m well aware of that Andrea, After playing AW for so many years, I’m finding that I tend to fall back on the cowardly hearts, and churned guts and pulsing clits all too often. I get that NPCs are just not that complicated, but I’d like some help or perhaps just a list for inspiration during our game.
Nathan Roberts my previous comment was for Kevin, ’cause I perceived (maybe I’m wrong, of course) his list as a “mere” body parts list. Then I tried to explain that AW uses “fingers” to mean something like “thief” or “sensible”, so “cracking bones” or “big clown feet” couldn’t be the “correct” anwers to your initial request.
Oh yeah Andrea! No offense meant mate
I totally get where you were coming from, thanks for your input. It all helps gel in my mind!
It’s a good point, Andrea, thank you. I tried to come up with evocative parts (“twitchy feet” to me means they’re always looking to run, “dirty fingernails” brings up someone who’s desperate to hold onto their things), but I did stray into just physical descriptions for some of them. Take the suggestions with a grain of salt.
Other parts to follow around:
A nose for trouble
An eye for beauty
A cast-iron stomach / a weak stomach
Bad knees
An ear for things they shouldn’t hear
Weather aches in a scarred hand
A suspicious mind
An envious heart
Sad eyes
Wandering feet / firmly planted feet
A shoulder to cry on
A curious mind
Deft fingers
A weird sense of humor
A lust for glory / fame / power / money
A death wish
Meg, you are superb! Just what I needed
thanks so much! Baa Baa the aged veteran from the time before is definitely following his aching hands around.
Glad to help