Gimmick Revisions!
Working on Injury Moves. Here’s the Anti-Hero’s:
When you get injured, check an Injury box, and note who did it. You can interfere in any of their matches without Creative’s approval or consent until your injury heals.
Gimmick Revisions!
Gimmick Revisions!
Working on Injury Moves. Here’s the Anti-Hero’s:
When you get injured, check an Injury box, and note who did it. You can interfere in any of their matches without Creative’s approval or consent until your injury heals.
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Mechanically interesting. Is it inspired by any actual pattern in wrestling behavior, or just a neat thing to try?
No specific thing off the top of my head, but I want to reinforce the Anti-Hero as the one who can get away with stuff they come up with themselves without having to go through Creative. Starting feuds off of injuries suffered is a pretty standard wrestling thing, and this effect blurs the legit/kayfabe line in a productive way, I think.
I don’t know what other’s think, but for me this: “Starting feuds off of injuries suffered is a pretty standard wrestling thing, and this effect blurs the legit/kayfabe line in a productive way” is the kind of stuff I’d love to see scattered in little call outs throughout the text…if it isn’t already.
I will keep that in mind…
Hardcore: When you get injured, check an Injury box, and gain +1 Heat with the character you were working with.
(Reshuffled Hardcore Moves again, and turned the last version “Blood Feud” Move into this injury rule instead)
Veteran: When you get injured, check an Injury box. When injured, you can pull out of any match you’re booked in without repercussions, but you gain +1 Momentum if you don’t.
High Flyer: When you get injured, check two Injury boxes. While you have an Injury box checked, any time an opponent uses your injury against you to gain an advantage, they gain +1 Momentum and you gain +1 Heat with them.
High Flyers are super fragile.
(Oh, global rules: most Gimmicks have 3 Injury boxes, High Flyer has 4. When you have 3 boxes checked you can no longer compete. You can use an Advance to erase an Injury check, or when you change Gimmick you erase all checks)
Wow, it takes a whole advance to remove an injury? That seems like a pretty Big Deal. Is it meant to be?
A softer version might be that you can remove an injury check when you advance (so you don’t lose the advance).
A mixed version might be that you can only do the softer version when you only have 1 injury box checked…because 1 box isn’t that bad of an injury.
Yah, injury is a big deal. It generally only comes up when people botch moves, which actually is a fairly rare occurrence, or when the Work Real Stiff move is used (which represents actually trying to hurt someone, so there’s that). Some of the Gimmicks (Hardcore) are more injurious than others.
I’m not sure than anyone would actually hit 3 injuries in quick succession, unless they were deliberately trying.
But yah, “losing” an advance may not be cool. Maybe it’s “when you spend an Advance, you can also erase an Injury box” . I’m trying to make the Injury moves complicate but not wholly neg the players options, so maybe there’s times you want to keep playing out having an injury, you know?
When will be/where are those “revisions” available?
They were posted to my Patreon backers before Origins, and I’m planning to update the public download links later this week. I have a couple changes still to make, based on the weekend of playtesting!
Oh, anyway I was going to join your pareon as soon as I get home tonight