Given that I’m making some updates, I might take a look at the inspirations list.
If there’s some monster hunter media that you think belongs in the inspiration lists, please let me know!
Given that I’m making some updates, I might take a look at the inspirations list.
Given that I’m making some updates, I might take a look at the inspirations list.
If there’s some monster hunter media that you think belongs in the inspiration lists, please let me know!
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Have you seen S.H.O.O.T. First (graphic novel about the Secular Humanist Occult Obliteration Taskforce)? The first trade PB is out, and while I think the art could be tighter, the premise of humanitarian and principled atheists hunting anything non-human however good it might claim to be is awesome. Main enemy: an apparently angel-controlled Vatican.
“The Secular Humanist Occult Obliteration Taskforce—defending humanity from angels, demons, and a bunch of other crap S.H.O.O.T. doesn’t believe in.”
Thanks Felix Girke, that definitely sounds relevant to my interests.
…and after reading issue #1: confirmed.
(This happens when I find out about new comic at lunchtime!)
Michael Sands Have you ever read Nextwave: Agents of HATE?
Its a “superhero comic” and all that, but its technically a team that scoots around the country variously blowing up and/or shooting super monsters made by an inept terrorist corporation.
I don’t know how much you could actually be inspired by it, but I mean hey, while you’re reading comics anyway.
Oh, yes, I’m a big fan of Nextwave! I’m not sure it’s really in the same zone as MotW.
Now I am feeling like writing up mysteries with broccoli warriors and drop bears, however, so maybe it is…
Aaron – The Construct
The Captain – The Divine/The Summoned (depending on how big of a dick he really is)
Boomer – The Spooky
Monica – The Expert/The Divine (if The Captain is a dick)
Elsa – The Hardcase
The end, you’re welcome Michael Sands
Grimm is a little borderline for the color, but the genre is 100% and Sleepy Hollow is 100%. Do you know these TV series?
Dark Angel (particularly 2nd season with the weird cult)
Resident evil the movie
Split Second the movie
The Segei Lukyanenko ‘Watch’ novels
Oh! Movies: Night Watch and Day Watch, both on Netflix — they’re definitely more in the urban fantasy vein, but they’re basically monster-police and there are instances where the protagonist uses Investigate a Mystery (like when figuring out how to fight an invisible vampire).
And definitely Dylan Dog: Dead of Night, that’s a good monster hunting movie! A super zombie, a summoned monster, a snarky Wronged with a Sidekick who becomes Monstrous, and an Initiate… It friggin’ great and probably my go-to “this is Monster of the Week, guys” example movie.
Those two movies are based on the novels I mentioned
They sure are
Daniele Di Rubbo I have been watching both Grimm and Sleepy Hollow, they’re already lined up for a mention.
Daniel Steadman, Alfred Rudzki good calls, will add those to the lists (at least the ones I’ve seen). I’ve read some of the Dylan Dog comics, but not seen the film – must fix that.
I have friends who played MotW in a Victorian setting and told me of Penny Dreadful: Domenico Marino, Nikitas Thlimmenos, Sonia Grossi, Mario Bolzoni, Francesca Da Sacco (did I miss someone?)
No, we are all there
For a more lighthearted take, Spooked has just premiered: Paranormal Professionals Spooked Ep1 [Feat. Alison Haislip, Dichen Lachman]
It’s a little different in that not all the monsters are, well, monsters, but Sanctuary might be nice too.
Here’s a good summary of pretty much every Monster of the Week media source:
I get a kick out of how Ichabod Crane is the best example of an Exiled monster hunter and Sleepy Hollow came out after the playbook.
I figured the Exile was a reference to Supernatural. Didn’t their grandpa get transported through time or something, or is the internet lying to me?
(Supernatural spoilers)
Paternal jumped from 1958-2013, but that was revealed after the Exile playbook existed. Maternal died in 1973 and was resurrected in 2011 but they didn’t make much out of the man-out-of-time aspect except maybe one reference to not getting cellphones.
Closest thing I can think of to a monster-hunting Exile before Crane is H.G. Wells in Time After Time.
Richard E. Grants character ‘Giles’ from Warlock has to get a mention, he follows the warlock through time in the exact way it normally happens in game. Kyle Reese going the other way chases the Terminator from the future.
Slys character in Demolition Man is defrosted from popsicle status to chase a suped up psycho. Ripley in Aliens Ressurection…okay now I’m having difficulty thinking of anyone else from movieland though there are a few books and comics.
Clearly the Exile is based on Captain America.
The Exile was most inspired by the character from Warlock, but there are a few others around, as you all have observed.