Hello Urban Shadows community. I backed the Kickstarter yesterday and I’m really excited about the project. This may be a long shot, but have there been any discussions about using London as a setting? London’s an absolute melting pot of ethnicities, cultural diversity and language. This would perhaps lend itself really nicely to a game like Urban Shadows.
Hello Urban Shadows community.
Hello Urban Shadows community.
Anywhere that the factions can be represented can be a setting. London would definitely be awesome.
In the discussion for an upcoming campaign we bounced around various cities in the United States, Great Britain, Australia, and a traveling circus/exhibit. We eventually decided on Washington DC and are going to be into the politics pretty heavy.
Ooh! A traveling setting a la Carnivale would be awesome!
And yes, London would be a perfect setting. I’ve already set a Dresden Files game there and the tone of that translates easily to Urban Shadows.
I can’t make any promises, but London has definitely crossed my mind as an option. I played a french vampire named Veronica in an Urban Shadows game we set in London last year that I sorta loved very much, especially because she would constantly run away from danger that she brought down on her ‘allies’. Mwa ha ha!
Kevan Forbes, you’re trying to make it so I never get any sleep again by throwing out ideas like A CARNIVALE SETTING, aren’t you!?! Now I have to spend the next hour working on this!
A Deep South setting also feels like it would be drenched in wonderfully horrific flavor.
Andrew Medeiros A French vamp in London sounds great. Well if you ever decide to venture down the London route, I’d be more than happy to send over information on some interesting spots around town.
Isa, I was actually in London last year during a 2-week trek around southern England and Wales with my wife and friends and I loved it! I cannot wait to go back to the UK and see it all again. Are you a local?
Andrew Medeiros Yes, I’ve lived in various parts of London for the past 17 years. London at night can be especially evocative. Really glad you enjoyed your time in Blighty.
Join the community and the first thing I read is the question I was going to ask! Another request for a London City pack here too. Combining the themes of multiculturalism and the cities deep dark occult history alongside one of the world’s major hubs could make for some excellent gaming! And it would reach out to is Brits in terms of KS appeal as well.
Andrew Medeiros You add Carnivale to the mix and I’ll up my pledge for sure.
The Alex Verus novels by Benedict Jacka are set in London, by the way. Not as brilliant as The Dresden Files, but pretty good urban fantasy stuff that does not overdose on romance.
Markus Schoenlau I actually sat down with Benedict at a RPG club in London a while ago. We created a character for a game he was GMing based on his novels. The club moved location and made it difficult for me at attend, so never got to play which is a shame.
+Isa Wills: Which system did Benedict use for his setting? ^^
As I recall, it was a system he designed himself. I never got to play, so I don’t have any more info. Apols.
Players moving away sucks! :-/