Hey Kyle,
The rules say skills count as powers. Will they work like passive powers like iron skin so they don’t have to be listed in the profile to be used without pushing and only pushed if used beyond their bounds? So like here: http://marvel.wikia.com/T’Challa_(Earth-616)
Not sure if I am clear…
To clarify the link, the Panther has several abilities that are not powers. Would I want to list all that info in the profile or should it be enough to just be known in the summary if I was making him?
You’d need to show you’re capable of doing said things in your summary (including powers/abilities that come from tech), what you put in your profile means that you can do those things without having to Push. Does that answer your question?
Yeah, just seems odd to have to push to use a tracking skill unless its used in an abnormal manner if its not in the profile. Seems like it should be only pushed if say I tracked a trail in a washed out swamp that was 4 days old. Otherwise the fiction seems like it should cover the tracking of a fresh trail with no pushing needed since its something any trained tracker could do.
If it’s in your summary it just means you have the capability (and so can try to do it anytime). If it’s not in your profile yet though, then it means you aren’t good at it yet/well practiced, etc. Essentially, you aren’t a good tracker quite yet