Question: I know that this game is mostly designed for city settings (hey it’s right there in the name) but how…

Question: I know that this game is mostly designed for city settings (hey it’s right there in the name) but how…

Question: I know that this game is mostly designed for city settings (hey it’s right there in the name) but how would you guys think it would work to do a bunch of closely grouped suburban towns (I’ve got SO MANY threat ideas for the NJ shore… SO MANY)? Has anyone tried this kind of set up? Does it screw up game dynamics horribly?

7 thoughts on “Question: I know that this game is mostly designed for city settings (hey it’s right there in the name) but how…”

  1. I ran a game set in a small town in Delaware back in 2013 and the game did function, but it really lacked the key ingredients to make it shine. Other MC’s may have better luck than I did, but a lot of the moves, especially Faction moves, require loads of people to inhabit the city.

    I’d say give it a go and see how you like it though, you might surprise yourself and me. 🙂 

  2. Well I mean I was thinking to offset the True Blood effect I would set it in multiple small towns throughout Monmouth County (in that part of Jersey they all butt up against each other. We don’t really have “rural” spaces). But you’re right, there would be a much different feel to factions I would think (tho real world Jersey is the land of powerful unions and the mob and political corruption so I see possibilities). I might give it a shot with my group if they’re willing and if it doesn’t work I have Newark planned out as a backup XP.

  3. Doesn’t this boil down to scale? Scale both in Fame and Distance. Usually, “Fame” decreases as you get further away from it (getting further away in many cases could be as simple as being outside the clique or interest group), I mean if the game stretches across multiple cities it would just mean that the factions really have to interact with each other to know about the things that far away from them… or alternatively, each region could be a stronghold of a faction and crossing into their territory is a real statement (good or ill).. anyway just some thoughts

  4. I don’t see why you couldn’t mess with the scale. You could even do a jet-setting “Shadow World”.

    The important thing is that the PCs and important NPCs need to be interacting, interfering with each other, asking for favors, and generally bouncing off of each other. Usually that involves some kind of constraint—in the base game it’s geographical, but there’s other ways to get it.

  5. Jeff Johnston That is a great idea, could almost be an Elders style game (to steal a VtM term)… but could you imagine the corruption at those levels!?

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