For our loyal community members to see.

For our loyal community members to see.

For our loyal community members to see.

Originally shared by Andrew Medeiros

We’re 56 hours away from the end of the Urban Shadows Kickstarter and we’re going out in a blaze of GLORY!

We’ve reached our 10th stretch goal today ($22,000), unshackling The Vessel archetype, the fourth in the family of Wild. A soul bound to a body not it’s own and driven by it’s Duties. Spooooky!

We also announce our next two stretch goals:

London, England  City Guide ($26,000) by Paula and Steve Dempsey 

Bangalore, India City Guide ($28,000) by Ajit George. 

These international city guides are beyond excited and our print copy of the city guides (aka Dark Streets $24,000) is nearly achieved (less than $500 away).

These next few days are going to be off the hook!!!

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