Has anyone given it a shot with one GM and one player?
Has anyone given it a shot with one GM and one player?
Has anyone given it a shot with one GM and one player?
Has anyone given it a shot with one GM and one player?
Has anyone given it a shot with one GM and one player?
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I’m pretty sure Brand Robins has. But from what I remember reading, they spoof additional quasi-PCs and do a lot of collaborative planning. Still, sounds fun.
Brand will definitely be able to give you some insight. I’ve run campaigns with just two players in the past. I don’t personally enjoy having so few numbers because as an MC I need more people to bounce ideas off of, but there is no reason it shouldn’t work out.
Nice, thanks. I’m looking forward to hearing Brand Robins’ thoughts. How does one obtain the Dragon playbook?
Sorry, didn’t realize I missed this question. The Dragon will be released at the same time as the core book I suspect.
Well, if you need a pair of extra playtest eyes on the Dragon, I am at your service.