I’ve run Sagas a couple of times and enjoyed it tremendously on each occasion.

I’ve run Sagas a couple of times and enjoyed it tremendously on each occasion.

I’ve run Sagas a couple of times and enjoyed it tremendously on each occasion. But one thing that causes me to get very confused is the interlocking workings of the Man’s various moves, got-wood-for-sheep et al. It tends to get very fiddly, and while some moves are session specific, other moves are season specific. I end up getting very lost.

Does anyone else find this, and is there any guidance online I could read?

One thought on “I’ve run Sagas a couple of times and enjoyed it tremendously on each occasion.”

  1. It is fiddly. I don’t think anyone has provided guidance so far, but there is an alternative, simpler, version of the Man floating about.

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