I’m looking to add some new hunter types for the Evil Hat edition. Here’s an (alpha) of one of them, the Crooked. I’ve just finished the first draft for a playtest Monday night.
The Crooked is a criminal turned monster hunter, like Anna Valmont or John Marcone in the Dresden Files (I’m sure there are some non-Dresden characters that fit, too, but can’t think of them right now).
Anyway, let me know what you think.
I like it, I think, but there is a lot going on with the man (Heat, the Crooked moves, …), seems less focused than some other playbooks. But I’ll give him a spin when I next run the game. Oh, what’s the -x for Weird on the fourth Stat line?
Oops, that should be Weird -1 (and I’ve just uploaded a corrected version
I’ve aimed at an unconventional but fairly social hunter type, with the chance to have some very specific extras.
Wait, wait, wait. First off, the Evil Hat edition of Monster of the Week? Is that officially happening then? If so, congratulations!
Secondly, I don’t really think the playbook is less focused. It’s broad, sure. But there are a lot of options packed in there that combine in all sorts of ways and allow the player to be a wide range of criminals. I like it.
Yes, the Evil Hat edition is definitely happening! Papers have been signed, and we’ve begun work.
Alberto Muti, you should take a look at this!
Yeah, the social bit is nice, a bit like the Snoop.
On the pdf I now found an “à”, page 2, after “Pick one line, then mark each rating on the right”.
Oh, and why “The Crooked” rather than “The Crook”? I expected something with a physical disfigurement…
Assassin: that’ll be interesting in play. Have you considered making this a roll move rather than just a flat bonus? Maybe like Called Shot in DW, but awesomer? I think of all the backgrounds, this is the least interesting/awesome one for both Keeper and Player. Charlatan and Con Artist are fantastic, Burgler and Fixer are good, Hoodlum is okay, and Assassin is kinda “meh”.
Oh, and I would suggest not using “Background” as a header twice (for the job and for the introduction into the supernatch). How about “Background” for the first and “Hook” or “Eye-opener” or something for the second.
Salamander! Reptiloid! Dream-Eater! I like.
I like “Crooked” more than “Crook” specifically because it’s a less usual usage, and has that extra meaning feeding in.
I’m okay with the assassin being less interesting – it’s there to be an option for people who want to go the badass loner route.
Thanks for the typo spotting!
I really like this. One minor question: Why is Background a bullet point list, while Heat and Underworld are check boxes? Heat has you pick multiple choices, but both Underworld and Heat are pick one, right? It wasn’t confusing, but I did notice it.
New hunter types?
Also, I can’t help but feel like “charlatan magician who gets tangled with real magic” is specifically reminding me of a thing but I can’t place it.
While we’ve got a Burglar background, there’s no move oriented on pickpocketing here. I fully expect that’d default to Act Under Pressure, but this might be a fine opportunity to use Charm instead of Cool to Act in that way, or for another move option.
Charlatan: “It’s the final countdown” means what? Could read as ambiguous or confusing. The additional free question — do you get that question even on a 6-?
– Lucky Charm, does that act as an additional box of Luck, or am I missing something?
– Skeleton Key — If this is a magical artifact I kinda want it to work on stuff an ordinary lockpick set wouldn’t.
Deal with the Devil: might need to mention the max on a rating is +3; it’s possible someone will take improvements to boost their ratings before they take Deal with the Devil, after all. Of course if you want this to be a way that someone ends up with +4 sharp… awesome.
Home Ground: As a move this only really works if you’re orbiting the same geographic area a lot. Supernatural-style roadtrippery, maybe not.
Andy Hauge Yeah, we’re looking at the Crooked and the Spell-Slinger as probable inclusions. I’m pondering whether we want more than that.
Fred Hicks: Hmm. Given that it’ll still include the hunters from the main book (I’m assuming), it feels like that’s possibly something better-suited for a supplement, should one spontaneously happen to come about.
Also, super-excited about the idea of seeing Evil Hat do layout.
Andy Hauge What goes in is up to Michael, ultimately, though I’ll have the occasional heavy-handed opinion about it.
Fred Hicks good call on a pickpocket move.
“The final countdown” is an Arrested Development joke, so probably should be removed (even if it is funny to me).
Lucky charm is an extra, transferable luck point, yes.
I’m happy to let people boost their stats to +4 if they make a deal with the Devil.
Home ground is locale-based, yes, but there’s plenty of other stuff for on-the-go hunters to pick.
I love special luck moves, so I’d suggest spelling out that when the Crooked spends luck, something from their Heat will crop up.
That’s a great idea, Zed Lopez! I’ll put that in the next revision.
arturo martinez Makes me wanna drift that to support Jack Burton.
It’s all in the reflexes.
Hallo people. Can I get some insight from you about “Burglar” move? How you play that in game?
I mean, the parts you don’t choose, they automatically are screwed?
Ie. What about rolling 10+, and don’t choosing “Find what you were for”? Your whole “sub-mission” was useless (but without consequences)…
Or, what about rolling 10+, and don’t choosing “Get in undetected”? They spot you, then all the other things go fine?
There are other ways to interpret them?
Andrea Parducci you have it exactly right.