9 thoughts on “J.”

  1. Yeah, it’s still happening. I have an outline, but nothing playable yet, unfortunately. Hopefully soon! But you probably shouldn’t wait for me.

  2. J. Walton, maye you can at least help me through two questions.

    1. Spells …. are you just using spells as fiction and whatever outcome that fiction is, roll the appropriate move?

    2. The harder question I am trying to solve. How would you treat Sex moves in the Potter-verse? Sex or at least sexual tension is a big part of Monsterhearts, but in in the Potter-verse it is much more of an innocent awkwardness?

    How would treat moves like Turn Someone On?

  3. Sorry I missed your questions! I’m excited to take a look at your draft later tonight!

    My hack isn’t a straight-up Potter clone, so it deals with both magic and sex a bit differently. Magic is more of a core thing and sex is more prevalent than in Rowling’s novels.

  4. A lot of this is not my stuff, i should probably put that in the book ….. it is a compiled version of much of the items on the Story Games website, but with revisions and additions by myself towards a “closer” HP experience.

  5. Okay, another thing that I am trying to work through is defining the usage of spells. I have two paths, and I need 1 weeded out.

    1. Give me a list of spells your character knows (I want a pre-defined list so we spend the game casting them and not looking them up.) This list uses your basic moves and possible skin moves as their basis, but like any World move, the fiction drives what happens. So you cast Stupify which could be Hold Steady if you are making a stand, Lashing Out Physically if you are doing it as an action of malice or Run Away if you are doing it to escape (which is my interpretation at least) but lets the fiction determine what happens … the spell is just a fictional element of that.

    2. My other thought is choosing a spell or spells that directly tie to the basic moves and your skin moves.

  6. i like #1, personally. Seems like less work. And you’re right, if you have a solid set of basic moves (which MH does): most spells should be able to exist in the fiction, basically being the equivalent of GM moves, but for players.

  7. Thanks J. Walton, I am ending up here for now then.

    There are hundreds of spells! Go online, grab an app, there are books, make some up… there are a multitude of choices to obtain the spells that fit you. Since you can’t memorize them all, choose X spells plus Y for every grade you have passed (the exact number can be defined between yourself and the MC.) Spells are a fictional element that use both basic and skin moves as the guideline for any action taken by them. If a pre-defined move does not suffice, a custom move could be created.

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