The Pitch: What has been the best sales pitch that anyone has used/heard to convince someone to try Urban Shadows?
The Pitch: What has been the best sales pitch that anyone has used/heard to convince someone to try Urban Shadows?
The Pitch: What has been the best sales pitch that anyone has used/heard to convince someone to try Urban Shadows?
It’s Urban Fantasy powered by the Apocalypse. That’s the pitch that got my attention. But, I’m already a fan of Apocalypse World And of the urban fantasy genre.
So, imagine the world’s of True Blood, The Dresden Files, the Iron Druid Chronicles, the Vampire Chronicles, but reshaped to your group’s play style using the narrative system of Apocalypse World.
I was considering the use of media IP, like True Blood and the like to help. Mentioning The Dresden Files may be useful if it doesn’t confuse people who’ve heard about the Fate version.
I was hoping to make it system agnostic in the verbal pitch. Jargon free. Catchy.
” Mark Diaz Truman and Andrew Medeiros are writing an AW hack. Wanna playtest it with me?”
The people I’ll be pitching this to won’t know anyone in the Indie game community and would prefer to play finished games and by Feb. 2015, Urban Shadows will be a finished game.
(I wasn’t suggesting you use, it, just that it’s the one that worked on me).
But then I’m kind of easy. “Wanna play this game?” Usually works for me.
Mo Jave, sure. Me too at conventions.
I said to my group it was an Urban Fantasy setting that had a feeling of Dresden and World of Darkness. Its greatest strength is its focus on the political realm of Urban Fantasy. I added on it uses the *World system which they all know.
I missed this on kickstarter, and I’m a real fan of WoD settings. I live right on the Texas border and I think with all that is going on down here with immigrants and drug lords, it would be an ideal system to bring this location to life as an rpg…can’t wait to buy a copy.
Marco Palomo – We’ll have preorder information up soon!
Mark Diaz Truman awesome!