

Hey-o! Question for all. I’m looking for a source of photos for my upcoming convention game of MotW. I want to be able to plop down pictures of NPCs when players meet them. Nothing much is set in stone so far.

The game will itself be set at a convention (how meta!), and so I’ll mostly need young adults. I’m considering grabbing some pictures off of cosplay sites (because, convention!), though part of me feels a bit weird about using them, even though it’ll just be in-person stuff and not online or anything.

I’ll probably also need some staff members.

4 thoughts on “Hey-o!”

  1. Oh my gosh, that could get so fun. Already toying with making Little Kuriboh a potential monster victim. 😛

    Actually, having Matt Forbeck as a hapless monster victim would kinda be hilariously appropriate, given his Dangerous Games trilogy.

  2. Andrew Bailey: Nice link! I’ll have a look through that. (I might also go looking for some cosplayers and message them directly. Heck, I can think of a few friends who might like having cameo appearances.)

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