

Huzzah! Our first session is up on YouTube. First timebeing MC, and it wasn’t as horrible as I expected! We have another session scheduled for August 2nd so if you’re up for watching (and giving me feedback as an MC) I’m game! You can find the live link here:

I hope you all enjoy. 😀

Wasteland Week 1 Part 1

4 thoughts on “Huzzah!”

  1. I will have to remember to watch this when I have the opportunity. I’m always on the look out for good APs, especially of more narratively driven games like AW.

  2. Thank you! I hope you enjoy it if/when you watch it. Like I said, I’m brand new, so I’m sure there’s TONS of room for improvement, but we all had a good time.

    Question: What does AP stand for? Darcy Boyd 

  3. Actual Play. I kind if wish there was a better term for it, but it’s used enough to refer to the ‘actual play session’ that it’s really the only term we have, at least that I’ve seen. Since that’s the best term I’ve seen it’s actually kind if difficult to find people doing this, especially since people will commonly refer to a summary of a session/campaign as an Actual Play report, whereas I’m looking for actual recordings if the play sessions, such as this is. Most APs I listen to are just audio, which is usually enough since most of the game is just conversation, unless it’s a high strategy game with mini’s and the like, in which case I’m generally less interested in it anyway. Those games tend to be a lot more fun to play than to listen to.

  4. Ah okay! Yeah aside from the technical difficulties I ran into, I think that this way was good for a number of reasons. Part of the fun of roleplaying is being able to see the other players’ reactions, so it’s been a ton of fun. Keep your eyes peeled on this, and I’ll keep pushing videos as we play. It is a bi-weekly group, and our next session is actually tomorrow, unless something comes up.

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