Hey everyone, I hope all is well.
After a recent session of AW, I’ve realized that one of my group members is simply not interested in this type of thing, and am looking to find a filler if possible. I’ve posted about the session a few times before, and we can either a) have you fill the role as a Gunlugger or b) write you into the story as a different character.
Our first session is on YouTube, and my hope is to get the second session on there as well. If you have any questions about the sessions, I can, of course, talk with you about it in any fashion.
Details of the campaign is that we are streaming it live through my Twitch channel, so a headset and a webcam are preferable. We are playing every other week on Saturday from about 4:30PM to 8:30PM. There are some exceptions to this, but we discuss ahead of time in Roll20. That’s also our maps and dice rolling software.
Thank you for considering!
I might be interested
David Rothfeder Great to hear. If there’s anything I can answer for you, let me know.
If you could post a link to the past plays I’ll try to skim through when I get a chance to see if I think I’ll make a good fit. Also I would definitely want to create a new character and talk to you about the group before deciding.
Sure thing. Session one can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWNmvYZnVvRsPepryWagKQgZ6CCbgRV7j
Session two can be found here: http://www.twitch.tv/peterthomas6/b/553889271 (Don’t be intimidated by the 13 hour playtime. The beginning three hours or so is AW, the rest is other gaming I did that day).
I’ll be happy to talk with you further when you’ve finished watching.
If David doesn’t take the spot, I’m interested as well. What time zone are you referencing with your posted game time?
Oh shoot, sorry Duane Padilla! I’ve been posting it so much I started assuming. This is all in EDT/(EST) currently.
I will keep you informed when I hear back from him. OH! We just finished a session, so I think our next one will be the 16th. 
I can be a “maybe” if the other two don’t work out. But if you’d be willing to let me just observe one time, I’d love to be invited to do that–I need to see how hangout-based games work so I can figure out if I want to move toward that or try to get people together F2F.
Carl Gerriets Oh sure! You’re absolutely welcome to observe. The sessions are streamed live on my Twitch, so you can watch there without doing a thing. http://twitch.tv/peterthomas6 As an FYI, I don’t use Hangouts, however. I use Skype.
Just so you guys know, I just got around to cutting part two, so you won’t have to go to Twitch much longer. They’ll all be on YouTube. You’ll see exactly which member isn’t really interested in gaming with us in parts 3, 4, and 5. I still haven’t heard from David Rothfeder yet so if you are still interested Duane Padilla you may want to start looking and considering.
Also, make sure you guys have accounts on Roll20.net if you are definitely considering playing.
I think I will bow out
I’m still interested. I’ll start catching up with the sessions. I’m on Roll20 as Duane P.
Duane Padilla Alright, still haven’t heard anything, so if you’re in for playing, I’ll go ahead and invite you. It does not let me invite by a username (or maybe I am ignorant to the tool) so it is asking me for your email address. Do you mind sharing?