Main revised draft is complete and now with the editor.
However, I have time and space to add some more example monsters. Does anyone have anything they would like me to write up?
Main revised draft is complete and now with the editor.
Main revised draft is complete and now with the editor.
However, I have time and space to add some more example monsters. Does anyone have anything they would like me to write up?
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I would love to see your take on the Corinthian of Sandman fame
I would like to see the monsters from some of the examples in the current book. Things like the Flayed One/Skinner and friends.
Creatures like the ones from the Book of Unremitting Horror would be awesome too.
Maybe something that reverses a trope somehow and shows how monsters can be used in a non-straightforward way? Something like an “innocent” monsters.
Daniel Steadman, not sure I could add much for the Corinthian beyond telling people to read the Sandman volume that’s about him. Possibly because it’s so long since I read it!
Nathan Riddell, Alberto Muti I am pondering those ideas.
I once statted a collective panic as a monster.
Or a corrupted hunter…
The spookys bad influence made flesh
The luchador who sold his soul to the devil
The wronged who became a vampire
The action scientist who couldn’t be bothered with ethics
The flake who started blowing up conspiracy stuff
The initiate who…nevermind they are already there
Grégory Pogorzelski I wrote a few words earlier today about that sort of thing, as related to Fringe or X-Files style mysteries
Monsters inflict damage when you flub a roll or do something suicidal.
My advice, dont go toe to toe with an inhuman beast. Set a trap and get it where you want it.
You only trigger the move if you are fighting it and it is fighting back.
If it is unable to fight back it is probably an Act Under Pressure roll or something to see if you hit it.
If it is trying to fight you, run away or get to safety. You wont trigger the move if you dont fight back.
Nope, monsters and other threats dont roll attacks against you. The mechanics of their actions hinges on the results of the players roll.
All of this happens under a layer of fiction, so no one ever says, “roll to hit” or, “you need to beat this number to save.” It is more like, “as you run into the alley you notice a six foot chain link fence ahead and that thing is hot on your heels, roll them bones and add your cool” (act under pressure move).
There are three possible results 10+ you get over the fence (yay).
7-9 you succeed at a cost or partially succeed, something like- you get over the fence but realize you dropped something really important or the creature wounds you as you get over the fence.
6 or less usually means the worst outcome relevant to what is happening and what you are trying to do. So the obvious example here would be the creature attacks you as you try to climb the fence and you are knocked off or pulled down from the fence.
I hope I havent confused you. Someone more articulate has probably already posted while I wrote this, lol.
The Kick Some Ass move where the hunter is fighting a monster able to fight back is the rough equivalent to a round of combat in other games so both parties are attacking each other and a really good roll on the part of the hunter means he can choose to take less harm and/or inflict additional harm to the monster.
What about something like Slenderman?
Some kind of urban legend creature would be good, but I’ll stay clear of ones that people are actually stabbing each other about.
Michael Sands, there is my Deep One from the mystery set in Morgan City, Louisiana:
Hm. Lovecraft’s a good idea, Daniele Di Rubbo. But I’m more of a fan of ghouls, so might do those instead.
I also have a ghoul monster in another mystery. Are you still interested?
No thanks, Daniele Di Rubbo, I’d prefer to do my own take on it rather than build off what someone else did.
arturo martinez, that’s a pretty cool idea.
I do have a comedy mystery that I’m planning to release soon (PDF only, maybe November/December?), which has some silly villains in it, too. That’s “The Meddling Kids in: Too Many Draculas!” which has a Scooby Doo style to it.
Slender Man, perhaps using Marble Hornets mythology.
Not a monster — I’d love to see a couple of examples of how Big Magic goes.
arturo martinez, I’ve just finished up the last one, but those ideas are great. I would suggest you write them up and post them here! You’ve done most of the work already!
I just meant to post them here to share with the community, so in whatever format you would like
Final list ended up being:
– Vrykolakas
– Spore troll
– De-identifier
– Chupacabra
– Werewolf
– (Lovecraftian) Ghoul
The De-identifier has me intrigued.