Note sure if the live camera missed it, or we all missed it somehow and then just saw it on the replay, but this might be the highlight heel moment from Brock/Cena last night. sure if the live camera missed it, or we all missed it somehow and then just saw it on the replay, but this…
Note sure if the live camera missed it, or we all missed it somehow and then just saw it on the replay, but this…
Yeah they might have been doing a second screen while this happened. I always have to deliberately focus my attention on the screen showing what’s currently happening because they miss a surprising amount of good stuff.
I missed the show last night but man I want to see that match.
The have a 12.99 monthly a la carte option for the Network now and I think it would be worth it to pick it up for a month just to watch this Summerslam.
Yeah, but I’m Canadian remember?
fuuuu I keep forgetting
It took me way too long to realize that he stole the Undertaker’s sit up.
I did just now. Awesome.
I hope Lesnar does this every match from here on out. Especially the laughing.